Monday, January 7, 2008

A Baby Shower for baby Issac

Wow, I can't believe that we all were so spontanious to throw a very sweet and warm baby shower for our friends - Boon Hong and Eric Chang. It's a suprise party for both the mom and father to be and we finally got them a big suprised as they thought this party was for evan.

Each of us works as a team to get all the preparations done as we had baby shower decorations : Ballons, Wall decorations that warm up the enviroment, lovely well-decorated baby shower cake ,foods and the lovely gifts from each of us.

We had hear Boon Hong has a complicated pregnancy this time and hope this little party will warm her up and let her smiling. Hope everything will goes well with her and baby Issac.

Special thanks to the men team who worked so hard in the kitchen to get foods done. I do believe man can do better cooking than women. Special thanks to my dearest friends - Teoh's family who hosted the party and also helped out the party. Very gracefully thanks to the my freinds - Sin Yee, John, Kim, Mickey,Sze Lock, Ching , Wei Chien , Victor and Michelle for working so hard to help out the baby shower.

Last but not least, a thousand thanks to my lovely husband for getting the gifts and preparing foods. I know you are always a good husband.

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